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September Legislative Update

It's nice to be back home in San Diego after a very eventful and productive end of the Legislative session in our state capital. I'm proud of the work my colleagues and I accomplished this year, working closely together to pass transformative bills to address California's most pressing needs, including homelessness, housing, climate change and gun control.

July News

Summer 2022: Legislative Wins, Refunds for Californians, and More!

We know many have been struggling with inflation, which is why we’ve prioritized a $9.5 billion inflation relief package that will go out to an estimated 23 million Californians and cover most households. This means you and your family could receive a check of up to $1,050 based on family size and income. 

June News

This week, the Legislature passed its budget framework containing inflation relief for families who are struggling with the rising costs of food, groceries and fuel. Under this framework, Californians would receive a $200 payment per person based on income and family size. Funding priorities for the Legislature’s budget package include housing, tax relief for working families and small businesses, expanding health care coverage, and infrastructure support, while also adding to our general reserves.

May News

With a record budget surplus this year, the state is poised to send billions in relief back to Californians who are struggling due to inflation, and increased costs to fuel, groceries, energy, childcare and the general cost of living. 

April News

Every week, I hear about my constituents struggling with housing affordability, rising energy costs and the effects of climate change. As we continue to emerge from these challenging and unprecedented times, I assure you that I am hard at work introducing legislation aimed at easing some of these pressing issues. 

November News

I am excited to update you on some of the recent work passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Newsom. California’s legislative session concluded in September, and as Majority Whip I was proud to work to ensure critical legislation made it off the Assembly Floor and onto Governor Newsom’s desk.