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2024 Legislative Accomplishments


AB 2005 (CSU Low-Income Housing Tax Credit): Enables California State University (CSU) campuses to utilize the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit for the purpose of developing affordable housing for CSU faculty, staff, and students on CSU owned land.

AB 2353 (Property Taxation: Welfare Exemption): Ensures non-profit affordable rental housing developers can access the existing welfare property tax exemption without floating unnecessary tax payments while their application is under review, reducing the cost of constructing affordable housing.

AB 2597 (Planning and Zoning: Revision of Housing Elements): Eases time crunches in housing element adoption timelines for the state’s largest metropolitan planning organization – the Southern California Association of Governments – by creating two phases of housing element due dates for SCAG jurisdictions. This will foster better review and technical input opportunities for SCAG jurisdictions, the Department of Housing and Community Development, interested stakeholders, and the public by smoothing out the significant workload required when creating, reviewing, and adopting housing elements.

AB 2694 (Senior Housing): Expands the Density Bonus Law to include the development of residential care facilities for the elderly. This will ensure that we provide adequate affordable housing opportunities for our aging population.


AB 3093 (RHNA Planning): Requires local governments to account for the housing needs of people experiencing homelessness in their housing elements, and for HCD to include vulnerable residents into the Regional Housing Needs Allocation. 


AB 1979 (Doxing Victims Recourse Act): Provides recourse for victims who have been harmed as a result of being doxed by allowing a victim to pursue civil action to receive restitution for the harms endured as a result of being doxed.

AB 3024 (The Stop Hate Littering Act): Protects individuals from the distribution of hateful propaganda in the form of flyers, posters, or symbols with the intent to terrorize vulnerable communities. These forms of hateful propaganda have rapidly become the preferred tactic of hate groups because it maximizes personal impact, while allowing them to remain anonymous and avoid accountability.


AB 1858 (School Shooter Drills): Standardizes the guidance for how school shooter drills are done at the K-12 education levels. This new guidance will add clarity, require parental notification, forbid simulated gunfire, and require age-appropriate practices. 

AB 1884 (Department of Defense Excused Absences): Clarifies the definition of combat related excused absences for K-12 students of active-duty parents in the military. Smaller school districts will no longer struggle with the vague and antiquated definition currently in statute that poses an ADA funding risk to them.

AB 1955 (SAFETY Act): The Support Academic Futures & Educators for Today’s Youth Act (SAFETY Act) strengthens existing California protections against forced outings of LGBTQ+ students in schools, provide critical resources for parents and families of LGBTQ+ students to support them in working towards family acceptance on their own terms, and provide additional protections to educators who face retaliatory actions from administrators and school boards for seeking to create an inclusive and safe school environment.


AB 1904 (Transit Buses: Yield Right-of-Way Sign): Allows all transit agencies to exercise the authority to affix flashing LED yield right-of-way signs to the left rear of their buses, reducing dwell times and facilitating reentry into traffic, provided the transit agency’s governing board approves a resolution on the matter.


AB 2832 (GO-Biz & CDFA International Procurement): Enables the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to enter into contracting and procurement agreements for international affairs, making it more efficient to utilize existing Economic Development and Trade Promotion Accounts and specified grant funds for the benefit of supporting California exporters.