(SACRAMENTO,CA) – More than 20% of California’s clean energy comes from solar, yet many individuals, families and business owners are unable to access it due to the cost of investment, limited space or structural challenges. To help ensure the benefits of clean solar energy is accessible to all, Assemblymember Chris Ward’s (D-San Diego) AB 2316 to establish a statewide “community solar and storage” program passed out of the Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee.
“Establishing a statewide community solar storage program will allow everyone to reap the benefits of clean energy, without having to worry about the cost or structural challenges,” said Assemblymember Ward (D-San Diego). “AB 2316 is about expanding solar access to low- and middle-income communities while also improving the overall reliability of the electrical grid by ensuring solar energy is sent during peak hours.”
Customers of privately-owned utilities like San Diego Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, or Pacific Gas & Electric can sign up or decline to participate in the community solar storage program. Customers who do participate receive a credit on their utility bill for their share of power that is produced, just as if the solar panels were on their own roof. Financial incentives are also available for low-income customers. Subscribers are compensated based on the value of the renewable energy resource, which is determined by the privately-owned utility.