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April 2024 Newsletter

Spring is here, Assembly District 78! I’m your representative Chris Ward and I want to bring you up to date on the latest for the month of April.

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First, I want to give you an update on my bill package for this year. With bill introduction deadlines now behind us, I am happy to let you know I have 21 bills introduced this year across several issue areas, including environment and clean energy, housing, homelessness, community protections, education, transportation and more.

I’ve previously highlighted a few bills that I can update you on:

AB 1932
As we grapple with the budget deficit facing our state, and looking at options to protect critical housing and homelessness investments, one option I saw was to look at the mortgage interest deduction on second homes. Budget challenges are difficult to reconcile, but I introduced AB 1932 this month to reduce the tax deduction taken by some files on vacation homes and, instead, propose stable homeownership and homelessness prevention funding. One way or another – the state is either continuing to subsidize luxury, or cutback affordable housing to the Finance Department’s estimate of $200 million. This is a big lift, but one of a few I am proposing this month to help balance our budget and prioritize supporting the greatest need.

AB 1858
The Safe and Prepared Schools Act will set clear standards for California schools on how to move forward with high intensity drills, and ensure the students who participate have easy access to mental health resources. Active shooter drills have sadly become a new normal in schools across the country, yet without guidelines some are doing more harm than good. AB 1858 will help to provide guidance and reduce trauma, and was just this week passed out of the Assembly Education Committee with a bipartisan vote.

AB 1979
As hate and extremism has continued to increase in recent years, so has the tactic of doxing, or publishing someone’s private data for the purpose of harassment. AB 1979, the Doxing Victims Recourse Act, will provide an opportunity for civil remedy for victims who have been harmed as a result of being doxed. This was recently passed out of the Assembly Judiciary Committee.

AB 3024
Mass distribution of literature targeting minority groups in their neighborhoods has rapidly become the preferred tactic of hate groups because it maximizes personal impact, while allowing the perpetrators to attempt to remain anonymous and avoid accountability. The Stop Hate Littering Act will protect individuals from the distribution of hateful propaganda in the form of flyers, posters, or symbols with the intent to terrorize communities as we have seen in our district – this bill is now on the Assembly Floor.

AB 1904
The bill will allow all transit agencies to exercise the authority to affix flashing LED yield right-of-way signs to the left rear of their buses, reducing dwell times and facilitating easier reentry into traffic. This bill recently passed the Assembly and is on to the State Senate.


Last year, you may remember that my district office moved to a new location within Assembly District 78. It’s now located at 2700 Adams Avenue in San Diego, and if you need assistance, the best way to contact my district office staff is to call the number below and someone will be able to assist you.

Some of the problems my office can assist you with include unemployment benefits, state disability insurance, veterans benefits, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Franchise Tax Board and more, including taking your opinions on bills or issues. You can also schedule a meeting with my staff so they can further discuss how state government works.

Contact District Staff

With springtime here, I hope to see you out in the district during some of our upcoming annual activities!

On Saturday, April 20, my team and I will be participating in the Creek to Bay cleanup to help stop pollution from reaching our water front.

Click here to learn more

Next Saturday, April 27 is the annual Linda Vista Multicultural Fair with a parade and activities for the whole family.

Click here to learn more

And save the date for Saturday, May 11 for San Diego River Days - kicking off a week of educational, environmental support and recreational activities in Mission Valley.

Click here to learn more



From top to bottom: Left to right: Top left: Members of Students Demand Action and Moms Demand Action pose with Assemblymember Ward after the Safe and Prepared Schools Act passed the Assembly Education Committee. Top right: Assemblymember Ward speaks at the LGBTQ+ Advocacy Day press conference for Equality California. Bottom left: Speaking at the press conference for the Stop Hate Littering Act in San Diego. Bottom right: Presenting the Doxing Victims Recourse Act in the Assembly Judiciary Committee.


As always, I want to thank you for your support. I’m grateful to be your representative and work on these issues and more. One of the best ways to stay informed is to follow my social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where you can know in real time what developments are happening or what I’m working on every day.

And if you need assistance, please know that my district office staff is available and ready to serve or answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out using the contact information at the bottom of this email, and a staff member will connect with you as soon as possible. I wish you, your family and your neighbors all the best this month.


signature of Christopher M. Ward
Christopher M. Ward
Assemblymember, 78th District